
Who is Enzo

Enzo Ventimiglia

Enzo Ventimiglia is the creator in 2017 di Mat You Can, the largest online Pilates and Yoga video course platform in Italy, creator of metodo Vayus Flow and founder of the studio Fusion Pilates & Yoga.

Enzo Ventimiglia, studies

He has a degree in Motor and Sports Sciences and has been involved for years in training teachers in the mindbody sector through teacher training and workshops held throughout Italy and abroad..

His training in the study of the human body and its dynamics begins with ju-jitsu.

Over the years he expands his knowledge with the practice of karate, aikido, and shiatsu, after, with yoga, exploring different styles until meeting Odaka Yoga, of which he becomes a certified teacher and trainer, collaborating with the founders of the style.

He approached Pilates by obtaining the Polestar Pilates certification and participating in international masters and conferences. He takes part in a highly specialized course with Nora St John, Education Director Balanced Body®, from 2017 is an Educator for Balanced Body® University of Pilates, Anatomy in 3D e MOTR.

Afterwards, inspired by the motto “Never Stop Learning”, is close to the Franklin Method , discipline based on Dynamic Neurocognitive Visualization and experiential anatomy. He has completed his Franklin Method training and is a level Educator 3.

Enzo Ventimiglia and the Vayus Flow method

Enzo developed the Vayus Flow, his method of Mindful Movement which integrates the age-old principles of yoga with neuroscience, l’experiential anatomy, l’dynamic alignment, the creative visualizations and different techniques conscious movement.

His approach focuses on the study of movement as a tool to obtain a long-lasting body and rediscover inner harmony. Thanks to his studies and experience, he has acquired a profound knowledge of the human body and its dynamics, and uses this knowledge to guide his students towards better awareness and knowledge of their body.

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